Over the years of adulthood, I have been fighting to build and to keep many different habits and I have been failed miserably and continuously. I went to the gym constantly for over years, and suddenly, I lost my habit of going to the gym, because I started into the […]
Self Improvement
I usually wake up between 5:30 and 6:30 a.m. However, I recently woke up at 4:30 a.m. on a certain day — and this wasn’t a random awakening. It was because I had been trapped by a thought throughout the week: What if I choose a day and worked on […]
In the last three years, I have experimented and proved that the only way to keep versioning in a new better version of myself is first, being completely aware of all the sides and edges of myself. Figure out my true powers, recognize, embrace and work on my weaknesses and […]
Finishing is everything. It will give you more than you expected Through the years, in my career as a developer, I started a bunch of personal projects. The main reason was always to learn, gain experience, refine, and level-up with technical and soft skills. In the end, I just wanted […]
You don’t know what you don’t know—Jim Kwik, expert and super-brain coach “So,” you’ve probably asked yourself, “Why I can ‘t unleash my full potential and become a more productive, effective problem solver, an expert, or even a 10x developer?” We don’t know our full potential because there are different […]
The biggest problem I have noticed throughout the years is the fact people and even I have not conscious and aware of, not just the importance of time but also the fact it’s limited and it’s a countdown. Time is the most precious and valuable thing we have. Damn! it’s […]