#1 You need to go deeper, not wider — Darius Foroux I don’t know exactly when I became obsessed with quotes. I have been writing it down everywhere since I was a teenager. Nowadays, I enjoy sharing a daily quote either on Slack’s work chats, Whatsapp groups, or any social […]
Be willing to start again countless time and achieve what others won’t How damn can you start at square zero countless times when you put all your efforts and limited sources to just get nothing? Where can you find courage and motivation if you feel defeated? Those questions come to […]
Over the years of adulthood, I have been fighting to build and to keep many different habits and I have been failed miserably and continuously. I went to the gym constantly for over years, and suddenly, I lost my habit of going to the gym, because I started into the […]
The “Art of War” remains the most popular and famous military text. This book was written more than 2500 years ago for Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher. Nowadays is still used by many companies and people worldwide to conquer their battles. To be honest, I […]