This is a continuation of a previous piece where we digested all surrounding concepts, pros and cons, Big O time complexity, real use cases, linked-list mainly operations, and all that kind of theory. If you have not read it yet, I recommend you read it first. This series is about […]
You won’t let me lie. Sometimes most of us try to rush on our dream to become a developer. This is a common mistake we make while we are starting out on this journey. It has happened to me and I bet to say that it has happened to the […]
Table of contents Introduction Concepts and properties Linked-list types Upsides and downsides Big Otime complexity Real use cases From my point of view, data structure and algorithms are the heart and foundation of computer science. I think they’re the most important topics we should care and learn about before anything else. […]
While I was about to start out a new React Native application. Just after I was defining the stack and all technologies I would use in. A question came to my mind. Which approach should I follow to enhance the CSS styling to my React Native app?. This question was […]
As I always say. No matter how many videos you watch, how many books you read, how many articles you read. I dare to say that in the next few hours, days or weeks that knowledge will go over to the infinity. So what makes that knowledge lives on your […]
For developers and new remote workers… Work as you usually do at the office with the benefits of doing it from home – blarz In a blink of an eye, COVID-19 hacked the world, unfortunately. It forcefully changed the way we normally work. Certainly, there were many of us who […]
Along the coding journey, I have learned how a proper setup environment can boost your productivity, code readability, ability to retain code more consistently, and help you avoid any bugs. In other words, it improves your code’s quality. ESLint is the most popular JavaScript checker I have encountered so far. […]