No BS. Here the action plan and strategy I followed to achieve it Learning Vue.js in less than seven days was one of my recent challenges. At first, I was skeptical about if I was going to able to achieve it. Before following the next pragmatic methodology to learn Vue.js […]
Happy New Year, dear reader! I love frontend tech. So at the end or the beginning of every single year, it has become a tradition to bring up the top frontend trends and predictions for the incoming year. 2021’s turn has come! The real intention of this is to make […]
There are plenty of tutorials on the internet advising you to spend enough time on the analysis and design stages. The React development process it is not the exception. Part of the analysis and design cycle includes the thought process of building your apps through a composition process. But despite […]
Table of contents Introduction Concepts and properties Linked-list types Upsides and downsides Big Otime complexity Real use cases From my point of view, data structure and algorithms are the heart and foundation of computer science. I think they’re the most important topics we should care and learn about before anything else. […]
While I was about to start out a new React Native application. Just after I was defining the stack and all technologies I would use in. A question came to my mind. Which approach should I follow to enhance the CSS styling to my React Native app?. This question was […]
Along the coding journey, I have learned how a proper setup environment can boost your productivity, code readability, ability to retain code more consistently, and help you avoid any bugs. In other words, it improves your code’s quality. ESLint is the most popular JavaScript checker I have encountered so far. […]
Looking to learn to code? Or are you curious to learn a new programming language? You’ve arrived at the right piece, where you’ll clear yourself of any doubts you usually face at that precise moment. Today I will give you five reasons why you should bet on JavaScript. In the […]