This is a continuation of a previous piece where we digested all surrounding concepts, pros and cons, Big O time complexity, real use cases, linked-list mainly operations, and all that kind of theory. If you have not read it yet, I recommend you read it first. This series is about […]
Data Structure
Table of contents Introduction Concepts and properties Linked-list types Upsides and downsides Big Otime complexity Real use cases From my point of view, data structure and algorithms are the heart and foundation of computer science. I think they’re the most important topics we should care and learn about before anything else. […]
As I always say. No matter how many videos you watch, how many books you read, how many articles you read. I dare to say that in the next few hours, days or weeks that knowledge will go over to the infinity. So what makes that knowledge lives on your […]
Table of contents Introduction Concepts and properties Linked-list types Upsides and downsides Big O time complexity Real use cases From my point of view, data structure and algorithms are the heart and foundation of computer science. I think they’re the most important topics we should care and learn about before […]