Thanks to lockdown I finally found it Pre-lockdown, I had been trying for several months and countless times to find a perfect daily routine that worked for my special situational context. I failed every single time. I am a full-time worker, freelance, dad, writer, blogger, and husband therefore I can’t […]
I achieved it in less than three months — Here the keys It never crossed my mind to becoming a top Medium writer and it happened in a short period of time. In fact, I didn’t know either the simple fact that Medium decorates your profile with that label. One […]
This what I learned from doing both. Working out regularly has a huge impact on both mental and physical health. It brings with it more benefits than that previous one. It will allow you to save money, make you feel happier, releases positive vibes to all around you. Both mornings […]
Never obsess over your last piece. Once we hit the “publish” button a bunch of things begins to flood our mind. We are so excited to see how our masterpiece will be received and read by many or probably by thousands of eager readers out there. In that sense, publishing […]
Over the years of adulthood, I have been fighting to build and to keep many different habits and I have been failed miserably and continuously. I went to the gym constantly for over years, and suddenly, I lost my habit of going to the gym, because I started into the […]
Today I was making CURL API requests. You do this when you need to manually make API calls. The output of those requests might be no formatted. They look so bad on your command line. They are unreadable!. In order to show the response in pretty way we need to […]
Happy New Year, dear reader! I love frontend tech. So at the end or the beginning of every single year, it has become a tradition to bring up the top frontend trends and predictions for the incoming year. 2021’s turn has come! The real intention of this is to make […]