You, your future self, your kids and their future-self will gain priceless life gift I was deeply focused on building a new app feature. It was a feature with a complex business logic. Suddenly I heard a little cry. I slowly started to listen it way closer and higher. Guess what […]
Table of Content Introduction A quick overview of the frontend landscape Where Do These Predictions and Trends Come From? Predictions and Trends 1. The rise and ever-evolving Chatbots and AI 2. JavaScript continues unstoppable. Long live the king! 3. TypeScript rises in popularity and usage 4. React.js — The most commonly used and […]
React Native Navigation is a powerful library that allows developers to easily navigate between different screens in a React Native application. In this article, we will go over the basics of using React Native Navigation and explore some of its most useful features. First, you will need to install the […]
After a few years working as a web developer, I asked myself. What are the essentials characteristic that makes a great and real software engineer — yes, a software engineer, not a web developer. Back then, I had read a lot about immersive software engineering bootcamps. I came across the […]
36 Years Discovering Myself Counted In 3 Minutes It is not about how many years we have gone through, but how many meaningful things we have added to those years that really count. The more things you experience, the more input you have in the decision-making process. Most importantly, more wise […]
And how to fix common issues you might face I was recently working on a Flutter project where I needed the simple task of adding an app launcher icon. At the time, I was just starting out with Flutter. Therefore, I started off by searching for the best way to achieve, […]
No BS. Here the action plan and strategy I followed to achieve it Learning Vue.js in less than seven days was one of my recent challenges. At first, I was skeptical about if I was going to able to achieve it. Before following the next pragmatic methodology to learn Vue.js […]
How does Firestore’s offline persistence work? One of the recent React Native projects I worked on uses the power of Cloud Firestore. The core idea of the app is to allow the user to perform online and offline tasks and to have a transparent sync process for the user. That […]
All you need is at home already Lockdown has given me the opportunity to experiment and try new routines. One of them was to work out every day for sixty days. Throughout this post, I will share with you the most powerful things, I had learned on this journey. Pre-lockdown […]
Be a good player and stick to fair play Yes, today is my 35th birthday. I am so grateful, I am still alive. It has been a long, exhausted, incredible, and powerful journey until now. God give me more time to finish my mission in this beautiful world, please!. I […]
#1 You need to go deeper, not wider — Darius Foroux I don’t know exactly when I became obsessed with quotes. I have been writing it down everywhere since I was a teenager. Nowadays, I enjoy sharing a daily quote either on Slack’s work chats, Whatsapp groups, or any social […]
Hit uniqueness and awake great feelings What would you like to write about if the next piece were the last one of your life? Who the message will be for? and why? What kind of things and thoughts would you like to express? By answering these questions you might find […]
Be willing to start again countless time and achieve what others won’t How damn can you start at square zero countless times when you put all your efforts and limited sources to just get nothing? Where can you find courage and motivation if you feel defeated? Those questions come to […]
Two stories — An unforgettable night, I touched my own future I dated her (writing), then I couldn’t stop. This is the most romantic, exciting, and powerful story I have ever lived. A certain day, My little son woke up at around 1 am so we went to the bathroom, […]
Thanks to lockdown I finally found it Pre-lockdown, I had been trying for several months and countless times to find a perfect daily routine that worked for my special situational context. I failed every single time. I am a full-time worker, freelance, dad, writer, blogger, and husband therefore I can’t […]
I achieved it in less than three months — Here the keys It never crossed my mind to becoming a top Medium writer and it happened in a short period of time. In fact, I didn’t know either the simple fact that Medium decorates your profile with that label. One […]
This what I learned from doing both. Working out regularly has a huge impact on both mental and physical health. It brings with it more benefits than that previous one. It will allow you to save money, make you feel happier, releases positive vibes to all around you. Both mornings […]
Never obsess over your last piece. Once we hit the “publish” button a bunch of things begins to flood our mind. We are so excited to see how our masterpiece will be received and read by many or probably by thousands of eager readers out there. In that sense, publishing […]
Over the years of adulthood, I have been fighting to build and to keep many different habits and I have been failed miserably and continuously. I went to the gym constantly for over years, and suddenly, I lost my habit of going to the gym, because I started into the […]
Today I was making CURL API requests. You do this when you need to manually make API calls. The output of those requests might be no formatted. They look so bad on your command line. They are unreadable!. In order to show the response in pretty way we need to […]
Happy New Year, dear reader! I love frontend tech. So at the end or the beginning of every single year, it has become a tradition to bring up the top frontend trends and predictions for the incoming year. 2021’s turn has come! The real intention of this is to make […]
Web accessibility really matters not only because you are going to drive more traffic to your web or for the moral dilemma but also because according to this recent research which has revealed that “two-thirds of the Internet transactions initiated by people with vision impairments end in abandonment because the […]
There are plenty of tutorials on the internet advising you to spend enough time on the analysis and design stages. The React development process it is not the exception. Part of the analysis and design cycle includes the thought process of building your apps through a composition process. But despite […]
I have been an active learner my whole life, so In 2015 I decided to take a Masters’s degree in Software Architecture. I am trying to remember exactly what motivated me to take it. One reason was its appealing title. I’m a programmer so the title was tempting and compelling. […]
I just was a newbie teenager with an entrepreneur’s mindset — A young college student, trying to get a few pennies to complete the college’s tuition. So I didn’t realize I was falling down. I didn’t see the three financial signs we’ll talk about and I didn’t give up at the right […]
One day after I finished my 9–7 work journey, I was really exhausted. During the day, I had been struggling with a crazy issue at my current project. So, I spent more than a half-day on it. To be honest, I didn’t want to do anything else after it. I […]
I don’t know you, but in my case, I have been actively looking for ways of how to become a strong developer — a better developer. Over the years, I have been trying to improve my programming skills trying and testing different techniques and approaches. In that discovery process, I’ve […]
I have the luck to work in a software development company where you can work on cross-projects and teams. This is awesome!. However, it also might not be such a good thing when you are assigned to a project slightly or completely out of your career path. In other words, […]
I usually wake up between 5:30 and 6:30 a.m. However, I recently woke up at 4:30 a.m. on a certain day — and this wasn’t a random awakening. It was because I had been trapped by a thought throughout the week: What if I choose a day and worked on […]
Over the years of my coding journey, I’ve accepted low-paying projects for different reasons and different circumstances. I’ve accepted some of them for the sake of the learning process because I thought it was a good idea to learn a new stack. However, most of the time, they were accepted […]
After reading that major companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Slack, and Twitter were seriously thinking about allowing their employees to work from home and don’t go back to the office for the rest of the year, I began to believe that my current company will do the same. I […]
This is a continuation of a previous piece where we digested all surrounding concepts, pros and cons, Big O time complexity, real use cases, linked-list mainly operations, and all that kind of theory. If you have not read it yet, I recommend you read it first. This series is about […]
You won’t let me lie. Sometimes most of us try to rush on our dream to become a developer. This is a common mistake we make while we are starting out on this journey. It has happened to me and I bet to say that it has happened to the […]
Table of contents Introduction Concepts and properties Linked-list types Upsides and downsides Big Otime complexity Real use cases From my point of view, data structure and algorithms are the heart and foundation of computer science. I think they’re the most important topics we should care and learn about before anything else. […]
While I was about to start out a new React Native application. Just after I was defining the stack and all technologies I would use in. A question came to my mind. Which approach should I follow to enhance the CSS styling to my React Native app?. This question was […]
As I always say. No matter how many videos you watch, how many books you read, how many articles you read. I dare to say that in the next few hours, days or weeks that knowledge will go over to the infinity. So what makes that knowledge lives on your […]
For developers and new remote workers… Work as you usually do at the office with the benefits of doing it from home – blarz In a blink of an eye, COVID-19 hacked the world, unfortunately. It forcefully changed the way we normally work. Certainly, there were many of us who […]
Along the coding journey, I have learned how a proper setup environment can boost your productivity, code readability, ability to retain code more consistently, and help you avoid any bugs. In other words, it improves your code’s quality. ESLint is the most popular JavaScript checker I have encountered so far. […]
The “Art of War” remains the most popular and famous military text. This book was written more than 2500 years ago for Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher. Nowadays is still used by many companies and people worldwide to conquer their battles. To be honest, I […]
Looking to learn to code? Or are you curious to learn a new programming language? You’ve arrived at the right piece, where you’ll clear yourself of any doubts you usually face at that precise moment. Today I will give you five reasons why you should bet on JavaScript. In the […]
[Updated Oct 6, 2023] Hey Junior Developer, I decided to write this letter to you. You’re probably just starting out on your dream developer career. I was there at some point and know the feelings of fear and doubt very well. So I thought, why not write a letter to […]